Web Hosting

Web Hosting

Web Hosting is the process of  storing your contents for your website on a location that can be accessed by every one on the internet. Most servers are computers, much like the ones you are using daily. They are configured from the ground up to display content online and handle web traffic.

When you sign up for web hosting services, you’re essentially renting server space or the whole server from a provider. You can use that space and a limited amount of resources to build and maintain a website.


Many companies provide you with Internet access, but some offer the same features offered by larger companies. Some provide email services, file sharing, and chat. They also offer email and file-sharing services. The main difference is that these companies don’t provide the customer with direct Internet access.They allow other individuals to connect directly to their websites. Some offer an online chat room for chatting and sharing files. Many have built-in email servers and enable customers to use free email accounts.

A hosting company will usually handle these for you and ensure that your site is up and running whenever you want it to be. Web hosting allows users to store content offsite, reducing local storage costs. The associated physical server requirement and also reduce management tasks like patching, backup, restore, security, SSL, CDN etc., . There are different types of hosting which  I have explained below.

How does hosting work

Web hosting services work by providing stable and secure storage spaces. While web hosts provide more than just simple data storage, it is the core part of the websites on the internet where the data is stored and served. This hosting is dependent on the domain names and the DNS servers that are done before the hosting the site.

Types of web hosting

Third-party hosting services shift the burden of setup and maintenance away from the user, and they do this in many different ways.There are also different deployment models. Let’s quickly explore some of the different types of web hosting available.

Shared hosting

A common and cheap option of web hosting is shared hosting services manage multiple clients from the same server system. It’s a great option when your needs and budget are limited, but it comes with some disadvantages like slow performance, less bandwidth, limits for number of requests and many other features might be missing. This good for beginners who wants to understand the basics and to run a simple website.

Virtual private servers

Virtual private server (VPS) hosting is similar kind of web hosting to shared hosting, but your files are stored in a dedicated space with dedicated resources. The cost is typically higher as well, but this is good for using dedicated hardware, better performance than shared hosting, more security features, more power and processing. This is good for beginners and standard users. This is one kind of private cloud

Dedicated web hosting

Dedicated hosting is one more type of web hosting which provides a dedicated server,  as the name itself explains it is dedicated means you will have a dedicated hosting environment. This  will provide you more Performance  and security risks compared to shared hosting. You can also gain substantial functionality, and speeds but the cost of this is bit higher than the others. There are some limitations or other wise we can say as management overhead like the maintenance and upgrades that needs to be done by the consumer. This will increases the operational cost. This is good for organizations and others who are more keen to have a separate space for their sites and contents.

Managed web hosting

Managed hosting is another type for web hosting that is same as like the Dedicated hosting but the underlying infrastructure will be taken care by the provider so you do not need to worry about the administration over heads. It leaves security and maintenance responsibilities with your provider, leaving you to manage contents alone. This will provide the peace of mind and you can do only manage the contents with all the extra features of performance, security and reliability.  This is good of startup organizations and for companies where they do not have Infrastructure team to manage. There are so many managed cloud provides like AWS, Cisco, Azure and Dell.

Cloud web hosting

Cloud hosting is a newer option that is a combination of all types of hosting but the Infrastructure is managed by the cloud provider. There are so many kinds of cloud services that are available. They are Platform as Service (PaaS), Software as Service (SaaS), Database hosting, web hosting, content delivery and also hybrid like on-perm and cloud hosting. I will explain in detail on another post on these types. So basically it is a highly scalable platform and this can be done on the fly without any risk of managing the infrastructure and related  components. It can be more affordable compared to other options. Make sure you understand how your plan’s pricing works before committing to one. There are lot of cloud hosting providers like Azure, google and Amazon.
There are so many pricing plans available for this and we can select what is required for us. We need to be bit careful on this as everything comes with a price tag, not like one time payment. this is the only thing that needs careful planning and execution in this, as it might sometimes end up burning your budget if not done in the right way.
These are broad types of hosting but there are still many kinds of hosting done which again will fall into any one of these above. The term hosting looks simple but there are a lot of factors that needs to be considered before you decide to get it.

Factors to consider

Important factors to look for while going for web hosting are as below.

  • Requirement
  • Type of website
  • Bandwidth Required
  • Storage Required
  • Software features required
  • Security
  • Cost
  • Number of  sites
  • Number of users
  • Database Required
  • Performance

So based on the above we need to plan and get a right hosting. The best way to consider the hosting types and provides is to analyse, compare  and decide. The various resources they provide and number of services they offer for the money you pay. There can be so many terms used but still all will be  the same. You need to consult some one who is good in those technical details before getting into a contract. The value for money and also the performance is the main top priority when it comes to hosting.

Happy Hosting.



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